
Annotation comments are free form key-value declaration inside endpoint functions. They can be used to add some meta information to an endpoint or add additional functionality to request processing.

Dominion framework has several predefined annotation, however you can write any annotation you want and use it as endpoint meta data in interceptor.

Let’s start with annotation that comes out of the box. They can be used to define custom URI for endpoint and add information for OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation.


Sets custom URI for an endpoint. Value of annotation is a regular expression that will be used to match URI. If it contains capture groups, values of capture groups will be passes as arguments into endpoint function. For example:

GET: [
    function(isbn) {
        // @path: books/isbn/(\d{1,5}[- ]\d{1,7}[- ]\d{1,6}[- ](?:\d|X))
        return BooksFactory.get({isbn})

The endpoint above will be called for URI: Value of function’s argument isbn will be set to “0-330-26738-8”.


Sets short description of an endpoint. Used only for OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation.

    function(isbn) {
        // @summary: Get book by ISBN number
        return BooksFactory.get({isbn})


Sets detailed description of an endpoint. Used only for OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation.

    function(isbn) {
        // @description: ISBN number should be in formatted like "0-330-28700-1"
        return BooksFactory.get({isbn})


Sets type of model to be returned by an endpoint. This annotation makes sense only when controller is not linked to a model with factory: property. Used only for OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation.

    function(booksId) {
        // @model: Books
        return BooksFactory.get({id: booksId})
            .then(book => book.populate(this.request.body))
            .then(book =>;


Marks endpoint as deprecated. Used only for OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation.

    function(isbn) {
        // @deprecated: true
        return BooksFactory.get({isbn})

Annotations in a Runtime

Annotations can be accessed in a runtime. This is useful when you need to extend endpoint functionality using interceptors. For example, if you want to change output to XML format, you can add annotation @output:

// file controller.js

GET: [
    function() {
        // @output: xml

and if annotation is set to ‘xml’, change endpoint output in response interceptor:

// file responseInterceptor.js

module.exports = function jsonToXml(response) {
    if(this.request.handler.annotations['output'] === 'xml') {
        return convertJsonToXml(response);
    } else {
        return response;