
Interceptors is a way to perform common operation for an request. There are two types of interceptors - request interceptor and response interceptor.

Interceptors are executed in HTTP Message context, so you have access to the same data as in main endpoint. This includes access to endpoint’s annotations. In interceptors you can validate if endpoint has specific annotation and perform some action based on it.

To add interceptors to the project you need to register them in component declaration file:

module.exports = {
    factories: [
        __dirname + '/factory'
    controllers: [
        __dirname + '/controller'

    requestInterceptors: [
        __dirname + '/requestInterceptor'
    responseInterceptors: [
        __dirname + '/responseInterceptor'

    bootstrap: []

If you have more than one interceptor, they will be executed in order in which their components were included in index.js.

Interceptors are part of Request Promise chain. It allows to execute asynchronous operation in interceptors without blocking main thread. In this case interceptor should return Promise. Result of Promise resolution will be passed to following interceptor or to main endpoint. In the same time this means that unhandled exceptions will prevent execution of all consequent interceptors. To prevent unexpected behaviour you need to handle exceptions gracefully, because, you know, that’s a right way to write a code.

Interceptors are global!

This means that no matter in what component they are declared, they will be executed for every request. I know it feels counter-intuitive and smells like a bad design, but it’s not. Or, at least I think it is not.

The point here is that you should never need to decorate API endpoint on component level or on single endpoint. Such functionality should be implemented in factories, models or services.

Interceptors should be used for actual global things like extracting cookies from header, parsing multipart/form-data, logging, converting response from JSON to XML, etc.

Code examples

Adding server name header.

// file requestInterceptor.js

module.exports = function addServerName(body) {
    this.response.headers["Server"] = "Dominion Server";
    return body;

Wrap response in JSON envelop.

// file responseInterceptor.js

module.exports = function wrap(result) {
    return {
        time: new Date(),
        url: this.request.url,
        payload: result