
In RESTful API you have to define interface for accessing and manipulating your model and/or models collection (or resources, to be precise with RESTful specs). In Dominion framework controllers are specifically designed for this, but still they provide flexibility for API endpoints that do not fit well in RESTful structure.

Two main advantage of Dominion’s controllers are:

It is a good practice not to have business logic in endpoints functions and keep them reasonably small. Business logic should be implemented in methods of factories and model instances, or in separated services.


You can add additional meta data to an endpoint using annotation. Dominion framework comes with couple predefined annotations, that allows to set custom URI for endpoint or add description for OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation. However, the main purpose of annotation is to extend functionality of an endpoint in interceptors. For example, you can use annotations to assign specific permissions for specific endpoint. Take a look on example below:

    function(booksId) {
        // @path: auth/token/revoke
        // @permissions: user.signout

        // @summary: Sign out user
        // @description: Expire token passed in request body. Returns empty body on success or error description on failure.


HTTP Message

Functions that processing requests will have execution context set to HTTP Message. It contains information related to HTTP request and response. Take it as req and res in Node.js http module, it is actually wrapping those objects.

GET: [
    function () {

        this.response.headers['x-result-length'] = 42;
        this.response.status = this.response.STATUSES._201_Created;

Writing a Controller

A file containing controller should export an object with a list of endpoint callback functions and meta info describing what type of resources this controller will operate. This object may have properties:

Name Description
factory Object, optional. Models factory object. This object will define resource name, that will be used in endpoints URI. It also will obligate all endpoints defined in a controller to return models or collections of this type.
path String, optional. Resource name or custom path, that will be used in endpoints URI. It may be used when there is no appropriate model for endpoints functionality. Note, you can set only one either path or factory property.
OPTIONS[], GET[], POST[], PUT[], DELETE[] Array, optional. Arrays containing endpoint functions - functions that will be called on HTTP request with appropriate verb and URI matching function’s arguments.

Code example

const Factories = require("@dominion-framework/dominion/core/factories");

const UsersFactory = Factories("Users");

module.exports = {

    factory: UsersFactory,

    GET: [
        // users/?limit=6&offset=12
        function (limit = 6, offset = 12) {
            // @summary: Get all user with pagination
            return UsersFactory.find({}, limit, offset);

        // users/42
        function (usersId) {
            // @permission: Users.Read
            // @summary: Get user instance by id
            return UsersFactory.get({id: usersId});

    POST: [
        // users/
        function () {
            // @summary: Create new user
                .then(user =>
                .then(user => user.sendInvitationEmail())
                .then(user => UsersFactory.get({id:}));

    PUT: [
        // users/42
        function (usersId) {
            // @summary: Update new user profile
            return UsersFactory.get({id: usersId})
                .then(user => user.populate(this.request.body))
                .then(user =>;

    DELETE: [
        // users/1
        function (usersId) {
            // @summary: Remove user by id
            return UsersFactory.get({id: usersId})
                .then(user => user.remove())
                .then(result => {
                    if (result.affectedRows) {
                        this.response.status = this.response.STATUSES._204_NoContent;