URI Creation

Dominion framework automatically create URIs according to RESTful APIs best practices. You only need to specify what data you expect to have as an input to your endpoint. Or, in other words, list arguments in endpoint’s function. Lets take a look on some quick examples.

    // https://api.example.com/books/42
    function (booksId) { }
    // https://api.example.com/books?limit=X&offset=Y
    function (limit = 10, offset = 0) { }
    // https://api.example.com/library/42/books/42?limit=X    
    function (library, booksId, limit = 10) { }
    // https://api.example.com/library/42/shelves/42/books/42?limit=X&authorName=Y    
    function (libraryId, shelvesId, booksId, authorName = null, limit = 10) { }

Before we continue with rules how URIs are build, there is one more way to set endpoint URI - @path annotation. You can use it when you want to screw up normal RESTful URI with something like /users/14/getProfileByLastName?email=please@no.com, or when you have actually reasonable cases like /auth/token.

Creation Rules

  1. Name of a models factory that controller is linked to with factory: property or value of controller’s path: property will always be the last section of URI.
    factory: BooksFactory, // assuming BooksFactory name is "books"
    GET: [
        function () { }

        // produces URI: 
        // https://api.example.com/books    
    path: "books",
    GET: [
        function () { }

        // produces URI: 
        // https://api.example.com/books    
  1. Required arguments of a function will become segments of URI path. Value of arguments will be set to string coming after segments. If argument name ends with “Id” suffix, it will be ignored.
    path: "books",
    GET: [
        function (shelvesId, booksId) { }

        // produces URI: 
        // https://api.example.com/shelves/42/books/21
        // shelvesId == 42, booksId == 21    
  1. Optional arguments of a function are treated as query parameters (section of URI going after “?”). Value of arguments will be set to the value of passed query parameters. Key-value pairs can be in any order in a query string or be omitted at all.
    path: "books",
    GET: [
        function (limit = 6, offset = 0) { }

        // produces URI: 
        // https://api.example.com/books?limit=12&offset=0
        // limit == 12, offset == 0
  1. If model name, endpoint required arguments or path: property consist of multiple words in camelCase, they will be converted to kebab-case in URI. Function optional arguments remain unchanged.
    path: "favoriteBooks",
    GET: [
        function (libraryShelvesId, favoriteBooksId, orderBy = "") { }

        // produces URI: 
        // https://api.example.com/library-shelves/42/favorite-books/84?orderBy=+author
        // libraryShelvesId == 42, favoriteBooksId == 84, orderBy == '+author'
  1. If path: property consist with more than one segment, function argument need to be camelCased to receive value from URL.
    path: "books/publisher",
    GET: [
        function (booksPublisherId) { }

        // produces URI: 
        // https://api.example.com/books/publisher/42
        // booksPublisherId == 42

If requested URI will not match any of existing handlers, server will respond 501 Not Implemented.

Note, all values extracted from URI are strings, consequently arguments passed into functions are also always String type.